Security and the Cloud: Debunking Security Misconceptions About the Cloud
When working with a cloud hosting service, security is likely your top priority. Researching companies to work with is an important step in selecting a host, because it could be the difference between having a secure system in place and exposing your proprietary information to potential attacks. There are many misconceptions when it comes to the cloud and security, which is why it is necessary to get all of the information you can before making a decision.
One of the top myths floating around various industries is that most businesses do not have faith in or haven’t yet moved to a cloud hosting solution. In fact, the cloud market is expected to reach $191 billion by 2020 and around 58 percent of businesses already spend more than 10 percent of their annual IT budget on cloud services.
Additionally, companies may think that cloud services are only meant to assist with technological needs. However, over half of the businesses that use a cloud hosting system consider it relevant to their continued innovation. Another misconception involves companies feeling that cloud computing is riskier than their existing infrastructure. On the contrary, cloud service providers are spending more time and resources developing greater security and privacy protections for sensitive information. Encryption, firewalls, security guards/cameras, and backup strategies are all used to defend information in the cloud.
Over 80 percent of companies that move to the cloud save money by doing so and 14 percent reduced the amount spent on IT staff and equipment. Not all clouds are created equal, so do your homework in order to find the solution that helps you achieve your business goals.